Monday, November 18, 2013

Preview from my 45 Hour Review

Two screen prints where just a few pieces I showed on Friday for my review. The images consisted of photos I had taken while in little 5 points. Since in the past I have usually worked with abstract images I wanted to keep this quality still in my photos. I shot from angles and allowed the shadow to play a big part in my composition. After printing the two images I proceeded to try a new technique for me. I tried, screen print mono printing. This technique is where you take of a clean screen taped off  to fit  the size of your image, you use watercolors to paint directly onto the screen to add in highlights throughout your image, or just where you think it needs to be warmed up a little bit with some depth. After letting your watercolors dry onto the screen you then add tint base to the screen, and pull it on top of your image just like you would a normal screen print. By doing this the tint base will reactivate the watercolors and push them through onto the image. This was a spontaneous way for me to add color to my images. In the first image there are hints of blue, and in the second, hints of green. I then proceeded to emboss handset type onto the images in the shadow areas. I wanted the text to be almost hidden within the image but still able to be seen when looked at closely. The text I use is  usually  my own thoughts and feelings, but I've also looked at the photos and made up stories about these people. I've tried to think of what they might be feeling or thinking just my how they walk, their faces and maybe even what they are wearing. I'm looking at how these images and the text interact with one another. Blow I have a full view of the image then a detail shot of the text. 

Text Reads "Either I'm a coward or you simply don't want me, I don't know."

Text Reads "Why am I dumb enough to stay in this fucked up situation?"

More to come in the next few days. I will also be posting process photos. 

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